Word on Fire
Case Study
An integrated and customized database solution
Word on Fire (WOF) is Catholic global media ministry dedicated to proclaiming Christ in the culture. Successful in reaching millions of people and drawing them in—or back to—the Catholic faith, WOF reached out to American Philanthropic in 2019, in search of a robust and accessible database solution.
At the time, WOF was using two different databases, neither of which had reporting capabilities or the customization potential and integration options necessary to make efficient and purposeful use of their data.
To address this, American Philanthropic partnered with WOF to conduct a comprehensive Salesforce nonprofit database buildout and train staff on the database and its customization. Before we began the database build, we met with WOF to identify what had and had not worked in their current efforts to manage and organize data; and evaluated the data in its present format to determine its condition and make recommendations. Following the planning meeting and evaluation, we began to build a customized, efficient, and accessible database solution.
Once the Salesforce database was built and customized, American Philanthropic migrated WOF’s data from its previous platforms. The result of the migration was incorporating more than 15,000 donations alone that had never been included in the organization’s development database. Additionally, we integrated DonorBox as their donation capture platform, which continues to sync with the Salesforce platform.
Following the integration, we led a staff training on the use of the new database and continued to be available to create additional reports, train staff, troubleshoot problems, build the main development dashboard, conduct one-on-one support calls, and further customize the Salesforce platform.
As a result of American Philanthropic’s work, WOF has a fully functional development database in Salesforce with far more customizability and reporting features, and access to information that was not previously incorporated. WOF was thrilled to report that pulling their end of year tax-receipt report took a fraction of the time compared to previous years that involved hours of manual calculations.
American Philanthropic is registered as fundraising counsel or as a fundraising consultancy in all states that require such registration. This means that we are not “fundraisers”: we do not ask people for money on our clients’ behalf, make personal introductions, make phone calls, or otherwise have direct personal contact with your donors or donor prospects. We tee you up to do those things, and to do them more effectively, by advising you, coaching you, and providing the services outlined in this proposal. Our goal is to help you build your development program so that it becomes stronger and more sustainable, and to put you in position to build your own strong, personal relationships with funders.