Major Gifts Accelerator


The importance of major gifts to a successful fundraising program simply can’t be overstated: a jaw-dropping 85% of most nonprofits’ revenue comes from major donors. Your jaw may drop even further to learn that many nonprofits ignore individual major donors and grantmaking foundations.

AmPhil helps nonprofits build strong relationships with major givers and foundations, from initial outreach to long-term fruitful partnership. 


AmPhil provides the personalized coaching and practical tools organizations require to identify and attract major gifts from foundations and high-net-worth individuals aligned with their missions.
AmPhil will partner with you to:
  • Strategize ways to upgrade current donors and renew lapsed major donors.
  • Identify promising major donors among your current donors.
  • Provide in-depth research on new major donor and foundation prospects.
  • Build customized lists of potential major donors.
  • Provide wealth screening services and exclusive access to major donor profiles.
As the rubber hits the road, we will:
  • Provide guidance on writing streamlined grants that will inspire foundations to become partners.
  • Advise development officers on follow-up strategies in regular check-in calls.
  • Optionally, make follow-up calls to new prospects.


Your major donors should feel like your best friends. People give to people!

Next, we’ll help you finesse donor outreach as we:
  • Draft materials and templates for one-pagers, meeting requests, letters of inquiry, and call scripts.
  • Develop individualized solicitation strategies and an effective tracking system.
  • Build the tools, materials, and training necessary to engage them,
  • Coach staff in preparation for donor meetings.


Remember: ignoring major gifts will cripple your fundraising.

Don’t have a Major Gifts Officer to lead the charge? AmPhil can provide a part-time MGO who will be: 
  • Experienced in crafting an effective major gifts program.
  • Mission-aligned to your organization and experienced with delivering results.
  • Softer on the budget than a full-time major gifts officer while still a veteran of major donor management.


If you are ready to move your major gifts to the next level leverage AmPhil’s exclusive Major Gift Accelerator program to help you exceed goals and fulfill your mission.


“It was only after I was referred to AmPhil that I realized how much more we could be doing. Now, almost two years later, we have grown our donor base by 200%, and major giving has expanded. Thank you, AmPhil.”  

-Director of Development, Prominent Religious and Cultural Institute

How Can We Help?