Center for Civil Society

Ideas, Training, and Tools for Nonprofit Leaders

AmPhil is a proud Center for Civil Society (C4CS) supporter. The Center strengthens America’s voluntary associations by improving the effectiveness of donors, charitable foundations, and nonprofit organizations. The center fulfills its mission through education, research, publications, webinars, master classes, and in-person events. These resources offer practical advice, ideas, training, and tools that help civil society leaders achieve their missions.

The Center for Civil Society is built on the belief that if America’s voluntary organizations can more fully realize their visions, American civil society and democracy will become healthier—and American individuals and communities will flourish more fully. Under the title, Givers, Doers, & Thinkers (GDT), the Center provides many free and on-demand opportunities for nonprofit leaders and those aspiring to be the resources to be successful. The areas of focus include learning how to grow your major gifts program, direct mail response master classes, capital and mission campaigns, strategic development planning, and much more. Here are highlights of various resources that may help your fundraising move to the next level.

Nonprofit Fundraising Resources

AmPhil is a founding sponsor and supports the Center for Civil Society’s mission. Visit to learn more about the center’s resources and upcoming nonprofit master classes and fundraising insight can be found here.

Nonprofit fundraising leader AmPhil's educational arm logo the center for civil society
nonprofit fundraising thought leader jack fowler civil thoughts
nonprofit fundraising podcast Jeremy Beer GDT