American Philanthropic’s In the Trenches

A master class series

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The Lost $500 Donor—Identifying, Retaining, and Upgrading Tomorrow’s Major Donors Today

Nonprofits focus most of their energy on mass scale low dollar fundraising activities and/or high dollar major and planned gifts work. But they are bleeding valuable middle-tier donors at enormous rates, squandering time and resources and missing opportunities to increase donor loyalty and nurture more major and planned giving prospects. In this master class, you’ll learn how to leverage data analysis, staff time, and scalable moves management strategies to dramatically raise retention and upgrade rates for the most valuable donors your operation is ignoring today. You’ll also have the opportunity for a one-on-one advising session with a course instructor after the class. 

This master class will cover:

  • Why organizations struggle to retain mid-dollar donors
  • How to leverage donor data to prioritize and reach the most promising donors
  • How to implement personalized communications and moves management strategies at scale for your not-yet-major donors


  • Thursday, January 19, 2023: 1:00-4:00PM ET
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    What is included in my registration?

    Registration starts with a seat in the master class, but doesn’t end there. In addition to attending the master class, you will receive:

    • training materials on the master class topic for future reference,
    • the best essays and practicalities on the master class topic from Philanthropy Daily,
    • a copy of The Forgotten Foundations of Fundraising by Jeremy Beer and Jeffrey Cain,
    • and a 30-minute one-on-one consultation with an American Philanthropic consultant at a time of your choosing following each master class.
    How much does each session cost?

    A bundle of five classes is available for $1,000. Purchased class bundles are transferable within your organization, but only one person can participate in a class per registration.

    How many people will be in the class?

    Each class will have no more than 20 participants. We want to keep the classes as intimate as possible to allow time for plenty of discussion and Q&A.

    How will the class be conducted?

    The class will be conducted over video conference. Participants will receive a private link and password to join the video conference prior to the master class.

    Who is the ideal participant?

    The ideal participant is a nonprofit development leader with several years of fundraising experience. While most master classes include some background introductory material on the given subject, they assume a basic level of familiarity with the subject at hand and are designed to help those seeking to further develop their skills.

    Do you have a waiting list?

    Yes. Each session has a waiting list. If a registrant can’t make a session, we notify the first person on the waiting list. The waiting list for each class is first-come, first-served.

    Do current clients receive a discount?

    Yes. If you’re a current client, please contact us for a special discount code.

    Will participants receive CFRE credit for participating?

    No! We would post our reasoning here, but it’s lengthy. Feel free to ask—but do so at your own risk!